Cobar Basin, NSW Australia
Silver, Zinc, Lead & Copper + Gold
We adopt a systematic and disciplined approach to exploration, seeking to identify, prioritise, test and prove economic mineralisation with the objectives of:
- Increasing Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves inventory through drilling activities within our existing operations;
- Identifying extensions to, or repeats of, known mineralised structures; and
- Discovering new deposits with the potential to be new ore sources for our existing producing mines (to extend mine life, provide additional operating flexibility and/or increase production) or potential new mines.
The Endeavor exploration licences covers an area of 1,107 km2 in the northern part of the Cobar Basin, NSW Australia. The Cobar Basin is a world class base (transition) and precious metal mining district. Polymetals aim is to define significant additional resources from within the existing mine, near mine and regional targets within the Exploration licences prior to reopening the mine.
The potential within the tenements includes not only Pb, Zn and Ag but also, Au, Au-Cu and Cu-Ag deposits which is aligned with the style of deposits within the Cobar SuperBasin.