Endeavor is a major underground Silver Zinc Lead Mine, located 40km north of Cobar, in central-western NSW Australia. The project is the second largest mine (behind the CSA Copper mine, 30km south) in Australia’s richest polymetallic region known as the Cobar Basin. Polymetals Acquired the Endeavor Mine in 2023 and is in proicess of restarting mining activities targeting silver, zinc and lead metal production in H1 2025.
The project and portfolio assets includes the Endeavor underground base metal mine (currently operationally ready);
- Fully equipped underground mine including a 7km decline, 300m shaft with associated headframe, winder, UG crusher and all pumping, safety and related equipment and extensive mine development.
- 1.2MTPA processing plant including a two-stage crushing plant, three ball mills, Pb/Zn flotation circuit, thickeners, filtration, chemical and concentrate storage.
- Sealed access road, active rail infrastructure, grid power & secure water.
- Offices, workshops, laboratory & stores inventory.
- Light vehicles, heavy machinery, and mobile equipment.
- 52 houses & real estate portfolio in Cobar.
- 5 Mining leases, 3 Exploration licences (1,107km2) and large Pastoral Lease.
The Endeavor mine was in continuous operation from 1982 to 2020 producing 32Mt @ 8.01% Zn, 5.04% Pb and 89.4 g/t Ag. (92 million ounces Silver, 2.6 million tonnes Zinc & 1.6 million tonnes Lead metal)